About Us

«FORTUNA BIZNES mikromoliya tashkiloti» Limited Liability Company was registered in 2016 and started operating in Fergana in 2018 based on the license No. 50 dated August 18, 2018 issued by the Central Bank. The founders of the company are individuals who are residents of the Republic of Uzbekistan. « FORTUNA BIZNES mikromoliya tashkiloti» Limited Liability Company has been a member of the National Association of Microfinance Institutions (NAMI) since 2018. « FORTUNA BIZNES mikromoliya tashkiloti» Limited Liability Company has achieved high performance in the field of microfinance services during its 5 years of activity:

8 1 8 5

Number of clients provided with microfinance services


8 3 8 5

Branches in the Republic of Uzbekistan

8 2 8 0

Highly qualified staff

8 5 8 0 8 0

Total loan portfolio

Mission, strategic goals and values

Mission – As a microfinance organization, by offering high-quality and popular financial services to rural residents, to meet the needs of customers to the maximum and to be the best financial partner for customers.


Strategic goals

  • To open our branches in every region of the country by the end of 2024 in order to provide our services quickly and under favorable conditions to our customers in all rural areas where there is a demand for financial services;
  • Strengthening the position of the Microfinance organization in the market by constantly introducing innovations into our activities;
  • Becoming an attractive business for investors by ensuring that the profitability of assets is not less than 30%.


Our Values

  • Transparency
  • Customer focus
  • Professionalism and promptness
  • Innovation and reliability
  • Teamwork

Corporate governance structure

Supervisory board


Specialization - economist (Tashkent University of Economics). He has more than 15 years of experience in banking and finance. One of the leading microfinance specialists in Uzbekistan. Founder of Fortuna Biznes Mikromoliya Tashkiloti LLC

Haydarov Akhrorjon

Chairman of the Supervisory Board


Specialization - economist (Andijan Mechanical Engineering and Economics University). He has 22 years of experience in banking and finance. He has many years experience and skills in cooperation with major international financial organizations, negotiations and business management. Director of the Department of Foreign Economic Activities of JSCB "Hamkorbank".

Khan Alexander

Member of the Supervisory Board


Specialization - economist (Fergana Polytechnic Institute). He has more than 17 years of work experience in the financial sector. He has a high level of knowledge and skills in organizing the activities of microfinance organizations, introducing and improving management systems.

Ismailov Kadirjon

Member of the Supervisory Board


Specialization - economist (under the President of the Kyrgyz Republic). He has 15 years of experience in banking and finance. AV Frontiers, 8 years in the management and control of lending processes at Bank of ASIA, AV Frontiers is a microfinance company

Abdurakhmanov Farkhad

Member of the Independent Supervisory Board



Specialization - economist (Andijan Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Economics). He has 23 years of experience in banking and finance. He has 5 years of experience in agricultural lending and 17 years of experience in organizing and managing the activities of leasing organizations and microfinance organizations. One of the leading microfinance specialists in Uzbekistan.

Makhmudov Ulugbek

Chairman of the Management board


Specialization - information systems in economy (Andijan Mechanical Engineering and Economics University). He has 18 years of experience in banking and finance. He has many years of knowledge and skills in managing liquidity in microfinance organizations, developing strategic projects to increase the return on assets, and treasury.

Jalilov Akmaljon

Member of the Management board


Specialization – Marketing (By networks and sectors) (Tashkent University of Economics). He has more than 11 years of work experience in the banking and financial

Numanov Nodirbek

Member of the Management board


Specialization - International Economic Relations (Tashkent Islamic University). He has 7 years of experience working with international financial institutions in the field of banking and finance. He has knowledge and skills in conducting negotiations with international financial institutions and preparing information for them.

Mamatazizov Elyorbek

Director of the International Financial Institutions Department


Specialization - International Economic Relations (University of World Economy and Diplomacy). He has 9 years of experience in banking and finance, 4 years in lending, 1 year in accounting, 3 years in financial and credit risk management.

Sheraliyev Bobirbek

Director of Risk Management Department


Graduated from the Tashkent Financial Institute with a degree in accounting and auditing, has more than 10 years of experience in the banking and financial sectors.

Haydarov Ulugbek

Director of the Credit Department

Open data

Financial report 2019: Download

Financial report 2020: Download

Financial report 2021: Download

Financial report 2022: Download

Financial report 2023: Download